
Leading Manufacturers, Exporters and Wholesaler of Bacteria Fertilizer, Alga Aqua Organic Seaweed Extract Fertilizer, Jeevant Bio NPK Fertilizer, Jeevant-Vam Mycorrhizal Biofertilizer, Tatva-B Boron 20% Fertilizer and Tatvamin Micronutrient Fertilizer from Rajkot.

Business Type Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier
Application Agriculture
Purity 100%
Type Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria Fertilizer
State Liquid
Country of Origin India
Brand Name Atkotiya Agro Technologies
Packaging Type Plastic Bottle
Packaging Size 1 Liter
Standard Bio Grade

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Business Type Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier
Brand Name Atkotiya Agro Technologies
Application Agriculture
Packaging Type Plastic Bottle
Standard Bio Grade
Packaging Size 1 Ltr, 500 Ml, 250 Ml, 200 Ltr
Type Seaweed Fertilizer
State Liquid
Country of Origin India
Composition Seaweed Extract 20%

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Are you looking for Alqa aqua organic seaweed extract fertilizer? Atkotiya Agro Technologies is the best company for these products.

The alga aqua organic seaweed extract fertilizer is organic and effortless. Unlike other fertilizers, this one is a complete and balanced power pack of all the nutrients (like phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, nitrogen, potassium, and all).

Since it is made from marine plants, it is completely safe, and no chemicals are used in making it commercially, so it is safe for all humans and animals and plants, etc.

Using this manure does not harm the environment and we keep getting good-quality fruits and vegetables. Can be given to all the houseplants.

Features of Alqa Aqua Organic Seaweed

(i) It can be given to all the houseplants. Be it indoor, outdoor, succulents, or any cutting of the plants.

(ii) For all the common plants like rose, tulsi (holy basil), hibiscus, curry patta, areca palm, snake plant, and many other plants.

(iii) For heavy feeder plants or high-level gardening (like rose, litchi, lemon, bitter gourd, and many others), fertilizer with high NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) is required.

You can give seaweed liquid fertilizer (with compost) once in 20 days is sufficient.

What Are The Benefits of Seaweed Liquid Fertilizer?

  • It naturally increases the fertility of the soil manifold by mixing it in the soil.

  • It increases the organic matter in the soil and activates many types of microorganisms which make the soil even more effective.

  • It accelerates the fertility of soil microbes present in the soil, due to which soil becomes more fertile.

  • Easy and ready to use available in the market. It can be bought from any nursery, market, or online.

  • No expertise is required to use this solution, anyone can use it without any complexity.

Choose us and order from our company today. We take orders in bulk and deliver them to our customers on time.


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Business Type Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier
Packaging Type Plastic Bottle
Brand Name Atkotiya Agro Technologies
Application Agriculture
Purity 100%
Packaging Size 1 Ltr
Type Biofertilizer
State Liquid
Country of Origin India

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Atkotiya Agro Technologies has made a huge name in the market as the best Jeevant Bio NPK fertilizer manufacturer in India.

The NPK fertilizer that we manufacture is a blend of microbes capable of fixing nitrogen, solubilizing phosphate, and mobilizing potash to provide well-balanced nutrition to crops. It significantly reduces the need for chemical nutrient additives, resulting in healthy plants, abundant crops, and lower input costs.

Why Choose Us?

We, Atkotiya Agro Technologies are well-known in the market as a reliable Jeevant Bio NPK fertilizer manufacturer. Based in Gujarat we supply our products to customers all around the country.


The fertilizer that we offer to our customers is well-known for its advantages. Some are:

  • Fixes atmospheric nitrogen and makes it available to plants

  • Solubilizes unavailable forms of phosphate, making it more accessible to plants

  • Mobilizes leftover potash in the soil, making it more available to plants

  • Increases drought tolerance of plants and reduces the risk of disease infestations

Mode of Action

·It can convert nitrogen from the air into a usable form, solubilize phosphate, and mobilize potash to provide balanced nutrition to the crops.

Method of Application

·For soil application: Mix 1Ltr of Bio-NPK liquid with 200 kg of FYM/compost or vermicomposting and broadcast twice during field preparation and in the standing crop in the cropping season.

·For horticultural crops: Broadcast in the root active zone.

·For foliar Spray: Take 1L of BIO NPK Liquid fertilizer and mix with 150 litres of water. Spray at the 1-month-old crop to eliminate nutrient deficiencies. Repeat 2-3 times at 1-month intervals for best results.

·For drip irrigation: Mix 1.0 L of BIO NPK Liquid fertilizer in a sufficient quantity of water and apply it through drip irrigation. Repeat the Application 2-3 times at monthly intervals.

Feel free to contact us at Atkotiya Agro Technologies to learn more about our products and services. Contact us to learn more about us today.


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Business Type Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier
Packaging Type Plastic Bottle
Brand Name Atkotiya Agro Technologies
Application Agriculture
Purity 100%
Type Biofertilizer
State Liquid
Country of Origin India
Packaging Size 1 Ltr

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Business Type Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier
Brand Name Atkotiya Agro Technologies
Application Agriculture
Packaging Type Plastic Bag
Standard Bio Grade
Packaging Size 1 Kg
Type Boron Fertilizer
State Powder
Country of Origin India

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Business Type Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier
Brand Name Atkotiya Agro Technologies
Application Agriculture
Packaging Type Plastic Bag, Plastic Bottle
Standard Bio Grade
Packaging Size Available in 500 Ml, 1 Ltr & 5 Kg
Country of Origin India
Form Available i Liquid & Powder
Storage Period 3 Years

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Are you looking for a Tatvamin micronutrient fertilizer manufacturer? Atkotiya Agro Technologies is the best company to choose from.

Features of Tatvamin Micronutrient Fertilizer

  • It reduces the deficiency of minor/microelements.

  • It increased the number of new stems & Plant Growth became Fast

  • Reduce flower & fruit drops.

  • It helps to withstand stressful conditions like drought, frost & insect attacks by improving immunity.

  • Improves yield & keeping quality of fruits, vegetables & other perennial crops.

  • Improves profitability

  • Appropriate and repeated usage will induce no side effects on the Plant.

Usage of Micronutrient Fertilizer

We are well-known tatvamin micronutrient fertilizer manufacturers in India. This fertilizer of our company can be used on all kinds of crops without any problem. It does not cause any damage to the crops.


  • Foliar: 30-40 ml. per 15 Litre of Water

  • Soil Application: 5 Kg. /Acre

Points To Remember:

There are certain points that one should keep in mind while using our tatvamin micronutrient fertilizer. Keep the below points in mind to receive maximum benefits from our product.

  • Application immediately after dilution.

  • Keep spray clean, and good combinability with other pesticide and fertilizer formulations of acidity, but never mix with any alkaline water & formulation.

  • The effect will be reduced if used in high temperatures or before rain.

  • The best spraying time is after 4.00 pm, to avoid too strong light.

  • Widely spray on leaves, underside of leaves, stalk & buds.

  • Natural plant ingredients, can promote growth, increase yield and improve the quality of crops.

  • Please store in a dark, cool and arid place; keep away from high temperatures and strong sunshine.

  • Storage period 3 years.

We, Atkotiya Agro Technologies promise to offer the best to our customers in every order. We take all measures and leave no stone unturned to provide high-quality products to our customers. Choose to deal with us today and order from our company now.


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